Upgrading Your Website? Don’t Forget 301 Redirects

 Mājas lapas iztrāde involves various factors. It is more vulnerable to be attacked by malware when it is upgraded, redesigned or moved. Redirect 301 helps to protect the website during this time. Though it is quite easy to implement, many website owners and developers forget about them.

What is a 301 Redirect?

It is a way to change the URL of a page. Google always recommend using 301 redirects. It is the best way to ensure that users and search engines are going towards the correct page. A status code in IT sistēmu izstrāde instructs the search engine that the page has permanently moved to a new location. 

When to use 301 redirect

· When you have moved your website to a location during Mājas lapas iztrāde, and you want the SEO and traffic will correctly redirect towards your new location.

· You have changed your URL and want your existing PageRank to get updated in a new URL. 

· When you want traffic to redirect towards a new URL.

· When you have merged two websites and want to redirect the old URL to the new location.

Setting up 301 redirect

There are multiple ways to set up 301 redirects in mājas lapu programmēšana. Here we are explaining only three ways that are widely used and recommended.  

· .htaccess File

If you have a server running Apache, you will need access to your server’s .htaccess file. Unfortunately, though, it is quite scary for non-programmers. 

· Redirection plugin for WordPress 

If you are using WordPress mājas lapu programmēšana, you can easily set up 301.redirect using a plugin like Redirection. It is easy quite to use and can be handled by website owners or bloggers.

· WP Engine dashboard

WP Engine hosts can also set up 301 redirects. The hosting company provide a quick tutorial for it. Again, though, it is quite easy to use.


301 redirect is an important tool to be used when redirecting or IT sistēmu izstrāde or upgrading the website. It will help your users to navigate to your new location easily. This means they need not waste their time on seeing 404 pages and dead ends. They redirect you to the new location.


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